10 years ago
March 2, 1999
Marilyn and Francis Payne have sold the Peabody Hardware Lumber Company to Mark and Ginger Whitney of Goddard.
“Friday we had a bud on the crocus and Saturday they were in full bloom.”
Vanessa Loewen, second place prose interpretation and Amanda Crabtree, third place in prose interpretation at the Berean Academy Invitational Forensics Tournament on Feb. 27.
25 years ago
Feb. 2, 1984
Washburn University of Topeka recently announced the appointment of Lyle G. Thiessen as instructor of communications.
Millie Van Conkelberge of Taft, Calif., was buried recently. She was a sister of Raymond Bain. She was a veteran of World War II, having served in the Navy.
Ivan and Donna Miles, Brent and Laurie, Fred and Lynn Berns and Hannah spent Sunday evening with Dick and Jerry Howlett, Aubrey and Aaron. It was going to be the first annual Howlett fish fry, but the Howletts didn’t catch any fish so they ate the fish that Brent and Laurie caught!
50 years ago
Jan. 29, 1959
Joyce Suffield, an outstanding member of the junior class, was crowned Queen of Courts at the Herington-Peabody basketball game Friday. The three other candidates were Pat Berns and Patsy Shepler, juniors, and Glenna Reynolds, a freshman.
Maurice Meirowsky drove to Hays Sunday afternoon where he will attend Fort Hays State College.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson of Matfield Green were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kieferle.
100 years ago
JAN. 7, 1909
Death came to Vernon Nusbaum last week after his operation for appendicitis, in his far western home, before his friends here had all read the announcement that he was getting along all right. Vernon was one of a family of 11 children, all grown to maturity and uniformly popular and successful.
Charles Brown and Milton Dohner made a bicycle trip to Newton Tuesday evening.
The dance at Sam Hansen’s last Saturday night was well attended and dancing continued until 3 o’clock. A fine supper was served, all report a jolly time.
125 years ago
Dec. 27, 1883
With some cases of diphtheria in our city, it behooves our citizens to be extremely careful about exposing themselves to danger from contagion.
The annual meeting of the Presbyterian Church society will be held Saturday, in the Lutheran Church, at 2 o’clock p.m. A full attendance is desired.
One of the most showey presents made on Christmas was the carriage lamp reflector which Dr. Loose received from Frank Christ. It is elegant and serviceable.