• Last modified 5889 days ago (Jan. 7, 2009)


Feb. 11, 1999

Furniture stores have disappeared from most small towns in the state, forced out by competition from larger cities. Baker Furniture has grown to be one of the top furniture stores in the state due to Sheryl and Brock Baker.

Mrs. Ethel Spangler of Wichita was in Peabody on Thursday delivering Spangler cookbooks consisting of Spangler recipes of all of the Louise Spangler family. It was put together by Mrs. Ethel Spangler and her granddaughter, Tammy Spangler of Wichita.

Earl and Lucy Janzen were in Pretty Prairie Saturday morning for the memorial service of Madeline Penland Crosley. She was a good friend and former classmate of Lucy’s.

Jan.12, 1984

Teresa Weems, daughter of Melvin and Noreen Weems of Peabody, has been promoted from assistant manager of the Wal-Mart discount store in Ardmore, Okla. to a manager position of the Wal-Mart Store in Higginesville, Mo.

The newly decorated PHS gym has two large Warrior-head decorative pieces in-place to add to the décor. They were presented to the school by Don Lemley.

Kent Leppke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Leppke, and Curtis Glaser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Graeme Glaser, were listed as ranking in the top 10 percent of their class at Kansas State University.

JAn. 8, 1959

Mina Fitch fell and fractured three bones in her ankle. She is in the Axtell Hospital.

Miss Mable Jackson had the misfortune to fall on the slippery pavement while coming to work Wednesday and suffered a broken bone in her right arm just below the shoulder.

Mayor Earl Graham injured his back Wednesday morning when he slipped and fell on the ice. It is thought no bones were broken.

dec. 17, 1908

The high school basketball team went to Halstead last Friday and learned a few fine points of the game that they had never known before. The score was 103-12 in favor of Halstead but the boys did not do so bad considering the Halstead team won the state championship last year.

Sterling silver souvenir spoons 75 cents up at J.F. Cunningham.

The Bragunier residence, opposite the library, is being materially improved by wide porches on the east and south.

Dec. 6, 1883

The Agricultural Society met last Friday and adjourned to regular meeting in January without any business transacted.

Geo Trimble has been sick a long time and lately very low — with dropsy of the heart.

John Brown has gone to Leon to run his pony, Broncho, in another race, $50 a ride.

Last modified Jan. 7, 2009