Compiled from past issues
Jan. 12, 2005
The Peabody City Council has issued an emergency bulletin regarding the city in the wake of this past week’s ice storm. Marion County has been declared a disaster area.
Despite the ice and snow, the members of the Peabody Farmer’s Market need to think of gardens and will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Jones Sheep Farm Bed and Breakfast.
Carlos T. Saenz, 84, retired Santa Fe Railroad employee, died at Legacy Park.
Jan. 11, 1990
Jennifer McVey is the 1989 HiPoint winner in the one-to 9-year age group of the Newton Saddle Club.
A large group of Kiwanians enjoyed a hilarious skit entitled, “Dr. Cure All,” presented Monday night by the Career Women’s Guild.
Dorothy Craig was hostess to her bridge club Friday. Guests were Arlene Moffett and Jeannie Smith.
Jan. 7, 1965
Gladys Gough and Ivy Hess have sold the Ben Franklin Store to the Willard Mayberrys.
Harry Homan has arrived in Korea for service with the Army there.
Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker were their daughter, Sharon Walker of Wichita, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hueman and son of Overland Park.
Jan. 7, 1915
Perry Yoder of Peabody and Mabel King of Beattie were married at 10 a.m. Dec. 23 at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Yates at Marysville.
There will be a double-header game of basketball Jan. 8, between the boys’ and girls’ teams of Peabody and Whitewater high schools. Admission – 25 cents.
Gertrude Cooper will give instructions in voice and piano – phone 108F3.
Dec. 27, 1889
Mrs. John Sands has our thanks for the big roll of splendid butter for which she is famous and very appreciated, as she remembered the printer at Christmastide. May she live long and prosper.
Hattie Brockett is here visiting her sister, Mrs. L.A. Buck during the holidays.
J.C. Davis is completing a fine stone barn on his ranch near Cedar Point. It is said to be only second in appearance to the Travener stone barn near this city.