• Last modified 4608 days ago (July 12, 2012)


Compiled from past issues

July 17, 2002

Ivan O. Poe, 66, retired self-employed attorney and Sedgwick Co. small claims judge, died July 6, 2002.

James, Melissa, and Corrin Parmley of rural Cedar Point hosted a cookout at their home Saturday evening in honor of Cody’s 5th birthday, which was Wednesday.

The wedding of Sara Whitefield, granddaughter of Joan Berns, and Lt. Cmdr. Chris Merran was held Friday at the Citadel Beach House, Charleston, S.C.

July 9, 1987

Major Steve Robinson, Laura, Paul, and Emily from Altus, Oklahoma, were guests in the Randy and Betty Robinson home this weekend.

The American Baptist women met on July 1 at the home of Sonja Koslowsky.

Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Baker of Bellville spent the weekend of the 4th in the Ross Baker home. They came to attend the 1941 class reunion.

July 12, 1962

Don Good, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Good of Peabody has been named to the honor roll for the spring semester at Kansas University. He made all “A” grades for the semester.

Henry Hanneman, 75, of Hillsboro, died Saturday, July 9 of a heart attack. He was a farmer in the Peabody vicinity most of his life.

Mrs. E.J. Branham called the police Saturday afternoon to help search for her son after he had been missing from home several hours. Officer Dick Reed found Gary a little later, doing what comes naturally to all boys, fishing down at the creek.

July 11, 1912

The Merritt-Schwier Creamery Co. will open a station here July 5 to buy and test cream. It will be located in the building north of Dietrich meat market and will be in charge of Ulysses Huguenin.

Peter Joerg, from south of Peabody, has been quite busy harvesting in the Horner neighborhood.

F.E. Pettit and family expect to leave Monday in their auto for Colorado where they will spend the summer at Estes Park.

July 7, 1887

Mow your weeds.

The Short Horn sale of A.H. Lackey and Son yesterday was a total failure. Seventeen animals were sold averaging about $40 and the sale was declared off.

At the annual High School meeting yesterday Dr. J.E. Tressler was re-elected a member of the board and the same tax as last year (5 mills) was levied for teacher’s wages.

Last modified July 12, 2012