• Last modified 3971 days ago (April 10, 2014)


Compiled from past issues

april 14, 2004

Women who enjoy great food, learning, and laughter are invited to visit Peabody Saturday and attend the fifth session of “How Does Your Garden Grow?” for the series “Hyacinths, Hats, and Honey.”

Steven and Donna Glover announce the birth and adoption of their son, Jonathan Steven James Glover, born at 5 p.m. March 25, 2004, at Shawnee Medical Center. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces.

Sherwood Waggy, 86, of Burns, died April 7, 2004.

april 20, 1989

Ruth M. Sherman, DO, recently attended the annual convention of the Kansas Association of Osteopathic Medicine at Overland Park, April 6-8.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hughes spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Marc Hughes and Chauncey at Riley. Trisha Hughes who is attending school at Kansas State University was an additional guest.

A marriage license was issued to David Rempel, Peabody, and Jody Lynn Unruh, Peabody.

April 16, 1964

The two new institutions being built in Peabody are rapidly approaching the point of use this week. The Memorial Nursing Hospital is all but completed, the board of trustees report and the Marion County Home is moving rapidly toward completion.

LeRoy Mosiman of Peabody is among the 134 Kansas Future Farmers of America members who have been recommended to receive the State Farmer degree at the 36th Kansas FFA Convention to be held on the campus of Kansas State University April 27-28.

Seventeen years ago on the 31st day of January in 1947, in Newton, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Berns. He was given the name of Bruce Berns.

april 16, 1914

The doors of the new Public Library building made possible by Andrew Carnegie will be thrown open to the public next Saturday and visitors are cordially invited to inspect it.

Tomato, eggplant, sweet potato, cabbage, and pepper plants at the Peabody Greenhouse.

For sale: Fresh ground bones for your chickens. Charles Dietrich.

april 4, 1889

I will sell a good house and 4 lots in Peabody for $600. Easy terms. Isaac Pecare.

The friends and neighbors of Henry Griffith who has been sick a long time, united this week in putting in his oats and plowing his ground.

The Ladies Missionary Society of the Methodist Church will meet tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at the residence of Mrs. C.A. Loose, 410 N. Walnut.

Last modified April 10, 2014