• Last modified 5434 days ago (April 8, 2010)


Compiled from past issues

april 4, 2000

Members of the combined 4-H/FFA Wildlife Habitat judging team came home Saturday from the state contest with a first place in team and individual judging. The judging team was John Vetter, Daniel Unruh, Robbie McVey, and Grant Klingenberg.

An open house at the library between 2 and 4 p.m. Saturday to honor Ruth Burkholder for her 30 years of service as a librarian.

Virginia Skinner’s vet clinic has a dog and two cats that need to be adopted.

april 4, 1985

Four Peabody golfers returned to Peabody Monday afternoon after having spent the weekend golfing at the famed Pinehurst golf course in North Carolina, and another course nearby. The four, Gaylord Maples, Jerry Foth, Herb Gaines, and Randy Bemiss reported beautiful weather, good flights coming and going, good food, and an enjoyable time.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanneman returned from Arizona Sunday afternoon after a six-week trip.

Shreves Avery and daughter, Mandy, took a skiing trip to Estes Park, Colo., during the school’s spring break.

Gwen and Tony Gaines and L.K. and Sadie Decker were dinner guests last Tuesday at the home of Kenneth and Mildred Windsor.

april 14, 1960

Harriet Scrivner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scrivner, has been selected by the Peabody IOOF orders as the student they will sponsor on a trip to the U.N. and historical points in the East next summer.

John Nettleton, Rev. Gene Gnagy, Francis Skinner, and Mrs. Bill Manchester attended a workshop meeting in Topeka. The meeting studied more efficient use of teacher’s time.

A poultry tour has been scheduled for next Wednesday, County Agent Lester Griffith announces. The tour is to start at the Les Fruechting place just north of Aulne at 9 a.m.

april 7, 1910

Death came yesterday morning to Sophonelius Davila, the Mexican boy who was terribly injured on Monday afternoon by Santa Fe train #5 at the mill crossing in Peabody.

Mrs. J.S. Schroeder has a freak of nature at her residence, which attracts considerable interest — a three legged chicken.

Homemade candy for sale at the Haupt building Saturday by the Philathea class of the Christian church.

april 2, 1885

The broad sidewalk on the west side of Walnut Street between the Red Front corner and the Union House is completed and is very convenient to the foot passengers.

The railroad business at this station, for the month of March, was the largest that has ever been done here in one month — so we are informed by F.B. McKercher.

Our buyers are paying for wheat #2 - 50 cents, #3 – 45 cents; oats 27 cents; corn 28 cents; cattle $4.75 per hundred weight; hogs $3.50 – 3.75.

Last modified April 8, 2010