Compiled from past issues
10 years ago
dec. 8, 1999
Hazel McClure will celebrate her 102nd birthday from 2 to 3 p.m. Dec. 13 in the activity room of the Peabody Community Living Center.
Sharon Schmill is the winner of the La-Z-Boy recliner, donated by Baker Furniture, which was raffled off by the Kiwanis Club of Peabody as part of the Annual Pancake Day Fundraiser.
Lyzz McLeod of Elmhurst, Ill., formerly of Peabody, has been cast as Donna Sinclair in the Elmhurst College production of “Raised in Captivity.”
25 years ago
dec. 6, 1984
Career Women’s Guild members met at the Senior Center at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 29. Eleven members were present. After the covered dish buffet, a short business session was led by Sara Albright.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Windsor and Sheryl Windsor of Garnett spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Windsor.
New officers elected by the Lutheran ladies are reporter – Wanda Baker, circle chairman – Francis Kottwitz, cheer – Claire Caple, treasurer – Mary Lou Grosse.
50 years ago
dec. 17, 1959
Harry L. “Gus” Davis, formerly of Peabody, died Thursday in Wichita where he had been hospitalized after being injured in a fall from an oil-drilling rig.
Vic Strotkamp arrived home from Ft. Lewis, Wash., this week for a few days furlough.
Lt. and Mrs. Ron Foote of Santa Ana, Calif., are parents of a son born Dec. 14. He has been named Roger Anthony. The Footes have another son, Mitchell.
100 years ago
dec. 9, 1909
Henry Christ of Andora, Calif., has an auto.
Finn Early Ohio potatoes at Masfield and Co. 80 cents a bushel while they last. Geo W. Heter.
D.W. Sterling has sold his residence property to Mrs. Nellie Marshall for $3,100 and is to give possession Feb. 20.
125 years ago
dec. 4, 1884
The fair to be given by the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church will take place on Dec. 17 and 18. The new church building will be so far completed that the fair will be held there.
Peabody Library reports 820 volumes issued during November $2.45 collected in fines and fees. Forty-eight letters were written.
Ordinance #79 ordering sidewalks on Walnut Street in north Peabody was passed. A motion passed ordering nine street lamps.