days of yore
from our archives
Compiled from past issues
10 years ago
july 4, 2001
The old two-story home at 1722 60th St. will be demolished by the end of the year. The house, known locally as the Palmer place, was the focus of an effort last year to save the structure.
Preston and Lisa Hodges of Peabody announce the birth of a daughter, Sydney Janece, June 22 at Newton Medical Center.
Laura Moore hosted a supper on Father’s Day for her parents at the Gfeller farm.
25 years ago
july 3, 1986
Ann Schaechtel received a master’s degree in business administration from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. She has accepted a position as a financial analyst with the Weyerhauser Company at Federal Way, Wash.
The Peabody Bible Church congregation is constructing a new church building on a lot adjoining a house that they have been meeting in at Seventh and Vine streets.
Goldie Homan and Madge Mustoe drove to Cheney Monday to visit Betty and Doug Fisher.
50 years ago
july 6, 1961
A complete set of Deagon chimes has been presented to St. Paul Lutheran Church as a memorial for Mr. and Mrs. Hans Johnson. The chimes were made by their daughters Laura Padgett, Esther Freeman, and Martha Jackson.
In a photo, Mayor John DeForest cuts a ribbon at the dedication of the former Peabody Library Monday afternoon. Ross Baker spoke briefly of the history and the historical society’s plan for the future of the building.
100 years ago
july 6, 1911
W.H. Morgan received here by express Monday a few samples of the peaches grown this year by irrigation on his Pecos Valley farm at Artesia, New Mexico. Several weighed one half a pound apiece and they are as good as they look.
Burton Stovall was surprised one day last week by 60 of his friends who came to spend the evening. Games were the amusement and ice cream and cake were served.
Daisy Harvey, who came from Axtell Hospital in Newton to nurse patients sick with typhoid fever, is sick with the same disease at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Harvey. Ida Harvey, also a hospital nurse, spent the first of the week at home.
125 years ago
july 1, 1886
The Newton fire department will be the guests of the Peabody Hose Company on Monday.
G.W. Schupe has purchased the residence property just north of his house of Dr. Shumber. He contemplates moving off his dwelling and creating a much more elegant one instead.
The WCTU have changed their time of meeting which hereafter will be every Tuesday evening at the Methodist Church lecture room.