• Last modified 5077 days ago (March 31, 2011)


from our archives

Compiled from past issues

March 28, 2001

The program on water gardening drew the largest crowd of the season last Monday night at the Doyle Valley Market Gardeners meeting at Turkey Red.

Indian Guide residents had a birthday party Saturday night. Pat Koch was the only one having a birthday this month.

Brian Penner, a 1995 graduate of Peabody-Burns High School, has been promoted to produce manager of the El Dorado Dillons store.

March 27, 1986

Towne and Country Clothing store in Peabody is winding up their closing-out sale and will lock the doors Saturday afternoon at the usual closing time.

David Wetta of Peabody won third place at the regional mathematics contest in Wichita and is going to the state mathematics contest.

A newsletter to the First Baptist Church reminds receivers that the Jim Truax family missionaries with the Navigators and have served for 15 years in Indonesia.

March 30, 1961

Mrs. Ed Slocombe and daughter, Lynn Annette, were dismissed Sunday from Axtell Hospital in Newton.

Louis Engel is a patient at the veteran’s hospital in Wichita.

Keith Guthrie and Gary Harper were among high school students from eight states to be awarded honorary academic scholarships from Baker University.

March 30, 1911

The Peabody Band is going to put on a Minstrel Show at the Opera House Friday night.

The Philathea class cleared over $21 at the pie social at the Bond schoolhouse Thursday evening.

S.I. Tibbins has sold 11 head of stallions and jacks since the first of February.

april, 1886

Harry Brooks has returned from California.

California cabbage at the Globe Grocery.

C.L. Hale returned from an extended visit in the pineries of Wisconsin last evening.

Last modified March 31, 2011