• Last modified 5210 days ago (Nov. 17, 2010)


Compiled from past issues


Kansas State University scholarship recipients enrolled as of Sept. 1 from Peabody are Gina Avery, Dereck Klingenberg, and Brian Smith.

Candidates for Peabody Princess are Amber Knust, Leah Elridge, Shelby Plummer, Heather Eason, and Sarah Smith.

Michael Hague, son of Dr. Dale and Doe Ann Hague, had his first solo flight Sept. 26 through the Aeronautical Technology Professional Pilot Program at Kansas State University Salina.


The children of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stucky are planning a celebration Dec. 8 in honor of the 25th anniversary of their parents.

Beth Slocome performed with the Dragon Dolls drill team of Hutchinson Community College at the Hutchinson Quarterback Classic Basketball Tournament.

The Burns community will host a group of foreign students this Thanksgiving holiday. This will be the 32nd year that families in the Burns area have hosted international students from the University of Kansas for Thanksgiving.


Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts of Elmdale visited Monday in the home of his sister, Grace Roberts.

Earl Graham’s Service Station on the highway was hit once again Monday night by break-in artists. This time, however, the burglars got little for their efforts.

Mrs. Nelson Poe was host to the Friday afternoon bridge club last week. Dessert was served.


When the frost is on the pumpkin buy your coal of DeForest at the Rock Island elevator.

Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Jones are visiting relatives in Lost Springs.

There will be an oyster supper at the Stone church Friday.


Pay your taxes at the Peabody Bank and save a trip to Marion.

My line of woolen underwear is complete and sold at bottom prices, J.H.C. Brewer.

Dr. A.G. Huffman has just completed a house to rent on Vine street.

The Woman’s H and F.M. Society of the Lutheran church are making a quilt at the parsonage and preparing a box to send to the Loysville Orphan Home of their church in Pennsylvania.

Last modified Nov. 17, 2010