days of yore
from our archives
Compiled from past issues
10 years ago
A card shower was requested for Geneva Merryfield’s 90th birthday.
Maude Gaines, Margaret Matz, and Sherry Nightengale ate lunch at a café in Burns.
The Mayesville men’s swimming team has hung up their Speedos for the winter but have regrouped as a barbershop quartet.
25 years ago
Beth Gaines, president of the Peabody High School FFA chapter, and adviser Gary Jones will be in Kansas City Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday attending the National FFA Convention, according to FFA reporter Eric Wolf.
Royce Schmidt and Jill Sims, both of Peabody, were inducted as members of the Golden Key National Honor Society at Kansas State University at ceremonies earlier this year.
The second winner of Cabbage Patch dolls, in Don’s Drugs pre-Christmas drawing, are Richard Johnson and Arlene Gillian.
50 years ago
Probably Peabody’s oldest voter, Mrs. J.W. Harrison, is shown as she left the polls Tuesday morning after casting her ballot. The 93-year-old Harrison has always been greatly interested in politics and never misses voting in an election.
The test well being drilled three miles west of Peabody on Uphoff land is reported to be dry and has been abandoned.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Buller of Florence are parents of a son born Nov. 9 at St. Luke Hospital.
100 years ago
E. Butts, of East Branch, wants a man for husking corn. Will pay 4.5 cents. Corn runs fairly good.
Ladies Quaker Maid black silk hose 50 cents at Pettit’s.
Mrs. Homer Lemon went to Elbing for a few days visit.
125 years ago
Geo. Buckley is now sole proprietor of the skating rink, which is soon to be open every night.
The T.O.T.C. have reorganized for the winter and will have their first dancing party of Friday evening, the 30th inst. in Graham’s hall, which they have rented.
The Hawthorne Chautauqua Club will meet Saturday evening next, at the residence of J.B. Pedrick.
F.C. Bush is moving his stock of goods into his new quarters in the Hopkins building, just finished.