• Last modified 2499 days ago (April 12, 2018)



This information was filed last week in criminal division of district court. All fines include court costs. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records.

James Bryan Wiems formally was charged April 3 with two count of endangering a child, criminal damage to property and assault.

Kenneth Paul Lemon formally was charged April 3 with interference with law enforcement.

Jason Rand Simmons formally was charged April 4 with residential burglary and theft.

James Anthony Schafer was convicted of disorderly conduct March 19.

Jessica Blackburn entered a diversion agreement March 17 on a charge of battery.

Derek D. Summers pleaded no contest March 22 to violation of offender registration act. He was sentenced to a year’s probation and ordered to pay $155 court costs and $45 booking fee.

Joseph Liandre Donnell waived preliminary hearing on a charge of distribution of marijuana.

Matthew Ryan Neufeld pleaded no contest March 19 to theft and was sentenced to a year’s probation.

Last modified April 12, 2018