• Last modified 846 days ago (Oct. 12, 2022)



This information was filed last week in criminal division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records or from jail booking records.

Kevin L. Clegg, 59, Hillsboro, formally was charged Oct. 7 with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and possessions of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Austin M. Cooksey, 31, Wichita, pleaded no contest Sept. 21 to speeding and was ordered to pay $153. Dismissed was a charge of circumvention of an ignition interlock.

Mark W. Gipson, 59, Wichita, pleaded no contest to possession of methamphetamine. Charges of possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, having no proof of insurance, and operating a vehicle without tail lights were dismissed.

Ashlyee N. Hiebert, 22, Hutchinson, was sentenced Sept. 14 to a year’s probation and ordered to pay $263 for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Rebekah D. Hurd, 30, Gravette, Arkansas, was sentenced Sept. 26 to 18 months’ probation and ordered to pay $593 for distribution of methamphetamine and fleeing law enforcement. Dismissed were charges of counterfeiting currency, forgery, two counts of possession of stolen property, possession of drug paraphernalia and marijuana, not using an ignition interlock device, transporting an open container of alcohol, reckless driving, two counts of failure to yield at a stop or yield sign, driving on the left side of the road, driving on the left in a no-passing zone, operating a vehicle without proper registration, and speeding. Sentencing guidelines recommend 92 to 180 months in prison for distribution of methamphetamine even with no criminal history.

Brian D. Klein formally was charged Oct. 4 with violation of a protection order.

Dustin J. Luchi, 43, Marion, formally was charged Oct. 7 with violation of a protection order.

Eduardo R. Ortiz pleaded no contest Sept. 28 to possession of methamphetamine. Charges of possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, criminal use of a weapon, transporting an open container of alcohol, and driving without liability insurance were dismissed.

Rene G. Prieto pleaded no contest Sept. 26 to possession of drug paraphernalia, driving without a valid license, having no proof of insurance, and transporting an open container of alcohol and was sentenced to a year’s unsupervised probation and to pay $1,284. Charges of possession of methamphetamine and marijuana without a drug tax stamp and speeding were dismissed.

Neftali Roman pleaded no contest Sept. 21 to driving under the influence or alcohol or drugs. Roman was ordered to undergo drug and alcohol evaluation before he is sentenced Nov. 28.

Brandon S. Smith, 30, Hutchinson, formally was charged Oct. 4 with attempted aggravated escape from custody, attempted aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, battery of a law enforcement officer, and criminal damage to property.

Charges of driving without a valid license, having no proof of insurance, and running a stop sign earlier filed against Jaquin T. Smith were dismissed without prejudice Sept. 19 as part of a plea agreement involving this and two juvenile cases filed against him. Information on juvenile cases is not available for public viewing.

Kyle M. Tully, 33, Marion, pleaded no contest Sept. 23 to disorderly conduct and was sentenced to a year’s probation and ordered to pay $263. Dismissed were charges of domestic battery and interference with law enforcement.

Last modified Oct. 12, 2022