This information was filed last week in criminal division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records or from jail booking records.
Brent C. Billinger, 39, McPherson, formally was charged Sept. 27 with possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia.
Gerald D. Brooks, 57, Hillsboro, formally was charged Sept. 26 with domestic battery.
Analisa K. Defiesta formally was charged Sept. 28 with writing a worthless check.
A bench warrant was issued Sept. 21 for April N. Fore, 34, Peabody, after she failed to appear in court.
Zachary J. Gutierrez, 28, Hillsboro, formally was charged Sept. 28 with domestic battery, criminal damage to property, and disorderly conduct.
The probation of Darrell J. Shepherd, 39, Marion, was revoked Sept. 27 for violation of a protection order. He was ordered to spend five days in jail and pay $218.
Mark V. Tajchman pleaded no contest Sept. 21 to failure to wear a seat belt. A charge of failure to stop at a stop sign was dismissed.
Last modified Oct. 5, 2022