• Last modified 2065 days ago (June 20, 2019)



This information was filed last week in criminal division of district court. All fines include court costs. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records.

Gary Bradfield was sentenced May 15 to a year’s probation for domestic battery.

Ethan W. Campbell was formally charged June 14 with criminal discharge of a firearm, criminal possession of a firearm, and 10 counts of taking migratory protected birds.

Nancy Garcia’s probation was revoked June 7, then reinstated after serving two days in jail.

Donald M. Green was formally charged June 10 with possession of marijuana, driving while license canceled or revoked, transporting an open container of alcohol, and speeding.

Austin R. Jost was formally charged June 14 with residential burglary, theft, interference with law enforcement, criminal damage to property, and intimidation of a witness or victim.

Shane A. Marler was formally charged June 10 with criminal trespass.

Harley Ray Meyer pleaded no contest June 3 to driving under the influence. Sentencing will be later.

Christopher J. Regier was formally charged June 12 with possession of morphine, possession of a firearm while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, possession of a controlled substance, driving under the influence, and driving on the left side of a highway upon the crest of a grade.

Kirk Seals was sentenced May 14 to six months’ probation for disorderly conduct.

Gavin James Shields was found not guilty of stalking but guilty of trespass May 10. He was ordered to pay $718 in fines, fees, and court costs.

Last modified June 20, 2019