• Last modified 2527 days ago (March 8, 2018)


Cracks to be sealed on Sunflower Rd.

Staff writer

Sunflower Rd. will be a smoother drive in a few weeks.

County commissioners at Wednesday’s meeting approved a $32,665 bid from Circle C Paving to seal cracks in pavement along the 10 miles of Sunflower Rd. from Marion to US-50.

Work should begin this month, road and bridge superintendent Jesse Hamm said.

“I think that road is so critical we need to seal the cracks on it,” Hamm said.

Hamm told commissioners that without enough employees trained and experienced with crack sealing, doing the job with road and bridge employees would require so many hours, it would reduce the department’s budget in later months.

Commissioners also discussed keeping roads free of ice and snow, which has been a problem in recent weeks.

Hamm said the county needs equipment to handle spreading salt on roadways. He’d looked at some trucks with salt spreaders available at an online auction site, but bidders cannot go inspect the equipment until March 12.

Commissioner Randy Dallke said he believes the county should have three salt trucks. Dallke also suggested using money earlier set aside for a county administrator to buy the needed equipment.

Last modified March 8, 2018