• Last modified 2498 days ago (April 12, 2018)


Courthouse security system to come first

Staff writer

Courthouse and health department offices will soon be getting increased security.

Sheriff Robert Craft on Monday presented county commissioners with options for adding security systems to county offices.

One option included installation of 51 duress alarms for courthouse and health department employees to press to summon police, a control panel at each location, repeater, setup, and training. Total cost for the courthouse and health department system is $21,950.

The other two options were to install security systems at the extension, emergency medical services, planning and zoning, and aging departments for $4,350; and at the county park and lake, transfer station and weed department for $18,575. The reason the price for installation at the extension, EMS, planning and zoning and aging department is low in comparison to the others is because a repeater is not anticipated to be needed for those departments. If a repeater does need to be installed, the price will be higher.

Commissioners voted unanimously to start with the courthouse and health department, and decide whether to add remaining departments later.

Last modified April 12, 2018