• Last modified 2340 days ago (Sept. 13, 2018)


County offers opportunity to hunting fans

Staff writer

Hunting enthusiasts will find rich opportunities for their favorite sport in Marion County.

Besides hunting opportunities at Marion Reservoir and walk-in hunting areas listed in a Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism atlas, the county has three additional walk-in hunting areas available.

Those walk-in hunting areas are at 330th and Remington, available Nov. 1 to Jan. 31; a quarter mile west of 320th and Vista, available Sept. 1 to Jan. 31; and Xavier Rd. at 320th Rd., available Sept. 1 to Jan. 31.

“They can’t use anything but their feet to get there,” assistant director of Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism’s wildlife division Wes Sowerds said.

Sowerds said the hunting area at 330th and Remington will have mostly upland game and some deer available.

The other two areas will offer doves, deer, and turkey hunting.

“These are open to anybody by walk-in basis,” Sowerds said.

State hunting regulations can be found on the KDWPT website, Sowerds said.

The agency also has printed hunting atlases at all wildlife offices and most sportsman’s shops.

“We have printed regulations at the same places that hold all of our hunting atlases,” Sowerds said.

Walk-in hunting land is leased from private landowners for the purpose of public hunting.

Marion Reservoir and Wildlife Area offers both year-round fishing opportunities for channel catfish, and seasonal hunting for pheasants, quail, rabbit, turkey, and whitetail deer. Waterfowl hunters will find Canada, snow, and white-fronted geese, and ducks that travel the Central Flyway.

An 800-acre waterfowl refuge is closed to hunting all year and closed to all activities Oct. 1 to March 1.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers oversees 171 campsites in four parks at the reservoir.

Last modified Sept. 13, 2018