• Last modified 2427 days ago (June 21, 2018)



This jail roster was obtained Tuesday from the jail’s inmate listing system.


Micah Bailey, 42, Florence, arrested Saturday by Peabody police for failing to appear in court; released less than an hour later on $200 cash bond.

Alexander Barlow, 18, Marion, arrested Friday by Marion police on suspicion of criminal use of a financial card and theft.

Kristopher Carson, 49, Wilsey, arrested Tuesday by Peabody police on a warrant from Park City.

Douglas Eden, 36, Newton, jailed June 12 on two warrants and a court sentence for failing to appear in court.

Eddie Jo Farner, 36, Tampa, jailed Monday, apparently for failing to appear in court; released half an hour later on a $5,000 personal recognizance bond.

Melissa Ginger, 39, Florence, arrested Saturday by sheriff’s deputies on suspicion of driving with a canceled, suspended, or revoked license and having no vehicle liability insurance; released 1½ hours later on $5,000 surety bond.

Jeannie Henry, 62, Peabody, arrested Saturday by Peabody police for failing to appear in Peabody Municipal Court; released 30 minutes later on $200 cash bond.

Rita Hood, 52, Florence, released Sunday after being jailed for eight days on court orders.

Luis Perez, 28, Hillsboro, arrested Thursday by Hillsboro police on suspicion of battery; released the next day without bond.

Shawn Stahlheber, 45, Newton, jailed June 12 on two warrants alleging violation of probation; released Sunday on $5,000 surety bond.

Dustin Steele, 29, Hillsboro, arrested Sunday by Hillsboro police on suspicion of aggravated assault and domestic battery.

Jermain Stockman, 38, Peabody, arrested Saturday by Peabody police on suspicion of possessing an opiate, narcotic, or other drugs.

Justin Tate, 25, Newton, jailed Monday for attempting not to appear in court; released two hours later on a $5,000 personal recognizance bond.


Daniel Bowes, 41, Osborne, jailed since May 20.

Kimberlee Damron, 26, Herington, since May 23.

Cameron Finnesy, 36, Newton, June 5.

Brandon Klenda, 32, Lincolnville, May 24.

Clayton Lingenfelter, 20, Hillsboro, April 18.

Justin Loomis, 24, Hope, May 17.

Jeffrey Madsen, 61, Peabody, June 11.

Natasha McKay, 38 Ottawa, April 17.

Patric Patterson, 20, Wichita, April 14.

Andrew Schaeffer, 24, Hillsboro, May 2.

Last modified June 21, 2018