• Last modified 1915 days ago (Nov. 14, 2019)



This jail roster was obtained Sunday from the jail’s inmate listing system.

NEW jailings

Joseph A. Biehler, 29, Herington, jailed Saturday on suspicion of interference with law enforcement, and possession of opiates, stolen property, and criminal possession of a weapon by a convicted felon. Released the following day on $25,000 surety bond. Biehler was previously jailed May 8, 2018, on suspicion of possession of stimulants and drug paraphernalia, criminal use of a weapon, and defective tail lamp, and Oct. 6, 2018 and Feb. 20 on warrants alleging probation violations.

Brady L. Blazek, 26, Marion, jailed Sunday on suspicion of distribution or possession with intent to distribute opiates and drug paraphernalia, and criminal possession of a weapon by a convicted felon. Held in lieu of $20,000 surety bond. Blazek was previously jailed Oct. 30 on suspicion of violation of the violent offender registration act and Dec. 22 on suspicion of several drug charges.

James A. Cox, 37, city unknown, jailed Sunday on suspicion of distribution or possession with intent to distribute opiates and drug paraphernalia, criminal use of a financial card, and criminal possession of a weapon by a convicted felon. Held in lieu of $25,000 surety bond.

Eddie A. Eaves, 36, Hillsboro, jailed Nov. 7 on suspicion of fleeing or attempting to elude with five or more moving violations, domestic battery, aggravated endangering a child, unsafe turning or stopping, driving on the left in a no-passing zone, failure to yield, and driving under the influence. Released the following day on $7,500 surety bond.

Matthew M. Frazier, 25, Peabody, jailed Friday on an order by Peabody municipal court. Released Sunday. Frazier was previously jailed April 14 on suspicion of domestic battery, June 11 on suspicion of disorderly conduct, assault, and interference with law enforcement, and Aug. 13 on suspicion of domestic battery.

Rochelle D. Hahn, 53, Newton, jailed Nov. 7 on a warrant alleging failure to appear and contempt of court. Held in lieu of $3325 cash bond.

Ricky D. Leshure, 34, Marion, jailed Tuesday to serve a three-day sentence ordered Oct. 16 as a condition of a year’s probation for fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement.

Zachary T. Nickel, 19, Marion, jailed Nov. 5 on suspicion of battery of a school employee. Released the next day on $1,500 surety bond.

Clinton T. Selle, 29, Wichita, jailed Nov. 5 on a warrant alleging probation violation. Released the next day on $5,000 surety bond. He was previously jailed March 13 and Jan. 30 on warrants alleging probation violation. Selle was previously jailed March 15 for reasons not specified on the jail roster and Jan. 30 on a warrant alleging probation violation.

Darrell J. Shepherd, 36, Marion, jailed Friday serve a court sentence.


Kristina M. Albers, 41, Salina, since Oct. 15.

Tanner L. Jasper, 20, Hillsboro, Oct. 3.

Justin L. Kater, 36, Newton, Aug. 9.

Richard T. Litton, 34, Peabody, Nov. 3.

Mark E. Sattler, 53, Newton, July 8.

Lauren R. Wolf, 34, Peabody, Sept. 4.

Last modified Nov. 14, 2019