• Last modified 1959 days ago (Oct. 2, 2019)



This jail roster was obtained Tuesday from the jail’s inmate listing system.

NEW jailings

Pam J. Dowson, 62, Hillsboro, jailed Sunday on suspicion of domestic battery. Released nine and a half hours later on her own recognizance.

Natalie R. Geren, 37, Marion, jailed Thursday on a warrant alleging failure to appear. Held in lieu of $150 cash bond. She was previously jailed Dec. 12 on a warrant alleging failure to appear, March 15 on a warrant alleging failure to appear, May 20 on suspicion of domestic battery, Aug. 2 on a warrant alleging failure to appear, and Sept. 8 on a warrant alleging failure to appear,

James J. Gillett, 46, McPherson, jailed Sept. 25 on a warrant alleging probation violation. Released 30 minutes later on $500 cash bond. He was previously jailed Sept. 9 on suspicion of operating a car without an ignition interlock device, refusal to submit to tests for drugs or alcohol, driving while license canceled, suspended or revoked, failure to display proof of insurance, license plate not assigned, transporting an open container, and driving under the influence.

Kirby A. Jahnke, 47, Florence, jailed Sept. 24 on a warrant alleging probation violation. Released Sept. 25 on $2,500 surety bond. He was previously jailed Dec. 17 on suspicion of domestic battery.

Thomas R. Jones III, 20, Milford, jailed Thursday on a warrant alleging failure to appear. Released Friday on $358 cash bond.

Kevin L. Lemon, 49, Marion, jailed Friday on two warrants alleging failure to appear. Released Saturday on $5,000 surety and $250 cash bond.

Rebecca A. Rankin, 27, Wichita, jailed Sept. 25 on a warrant alleging failure to appear. Released Friday on $2,500 surety bond. She was previously jailed Oct. 12, 2018, on suspicion of driving while license canceled or revoked, license not exhibited on demand, and speeding.

Tyler M. Regier, 26, Salina, jailed Saturday on suspicion of driving while license canceled, suspended, or revoked. Released Sunday on $2,000 surety bond.


Robert S. Ayers, 45, Hillsboro, since July 2.

Kaitlyn J. Chadwick, 22, Olathe, Aug. 13.

Nancy D. Garcia, 45, Florence, July 8.

William K. Grunden, 29, Marion, Sept. 9.

Ryan A. Hardey, 19, Hillsboro, June 20.

Justin L. Kater, 36, Newton, Aug. 9.

Mark E. Sattler, 53, Newton, July 8.

Shelby L. Waddle, 27, Downing, Missouri, Aug. 13.

Levi S. Wiley, 32, McPherson, Aug. 30.

Lauren R. Wolf, 34, Peabody, Sept. 4.

Last modified Oct. 2, 2019