• Last modified 1996 days ago (Aug. 21, 2019)



This jail roster was obtained Friday from the jail’s inmate listing system.

NEW jailings

Jessica D. Blackburn, 37, Lehigh, jailed Aug. 14 to serve a 20 day sentence. She was previously jailed Jan. 16, 2018, on suspicion of transporting an open container of alcohol, Jan. 20, 2018, on suspicion of domestic battery, May 25, 2018 to serve a two-day sentence, July 23, 2018, to serve a three-day sentence and on suspicion of probation violation, and May 11 for reasons not specified on the jail roster.

Gary W. Dunnahoo, 54, Peabody, jailed Monday on suspicion of domestic battery. Released two hours later on $1,000 surety bond.

Kirk W. Seals, 37, Marion, jailed Aug. 14 on suspicion of disorderly conduct. Released the same day on $1,000 bond. He was previously jailed Aug. 10 on suspicion of probation violation, Feb. 24 on suspicion of disorderly conduct and Aug. 7, 2018, on a Greenwood County warrant alleging failure to appear.

Christina M. Servantes, 33, Lyons, jailed Friday on suspicion of driving while license canceled or revoked, failure to display proof of liability insurance, and license plate not assigned to vehicle. Released two hours later on $2,000 surety bond.

Jimanna D. Southern, 37, Wichita, jailed Monday on suspicion of driving while license suspended and being a habitual violator. Held in lieu of $1,500 surety bond.


Robert S. Ayers, 45, Hillsboro, since July 2.

Chance N. Brooks, 25, Wichita, Aug. 1.

Kaitlyn J. Chadwick, 22, Olathe, Aug. 13.

Nancy D. Garcia, 45, Florence, July 8.

Ryan A. Hardey, 19, Hillsboro, June 20.

David M. Impson, 42, Goessel, Jan. 1.

Nathan C. Jones, 18, South Bend, Indiana, Aug. 13.

Justin L. Kater, 36, Newton, Aug. 9.

Brandon L. Klenda, 33, Lincolnville, June 1.

Patrick M. Love, 52, Lincolnville, June 24.

Mark E. Sattler, 53, Newton, July 8.

Shelby L. Waddle, 27, Downing, Missouri, Aug. 13.

Ian A. Weisbeck, 42, Hillsboro, July

Last modified Aug. 21, 2019