This jail roster was obtained Tuesday from the jail’s inmate listing system.
Robert S. Ayers, 45, Hillsboro, jailed July 2 after allegedly failing to appear in court. Held in lieu of $30,000 surety bond. Previously jailed Jan. 12 to 14, March 14 to 22, April 10 to 26, and Aug, 11 to 16, 2018, on court orders and on motions to revoke probation.
Jordan L. Daniels, 28, Junction City, arrested Sunday by a sheriff’s deputy on suspicion of violating an order of protection. Released 1½ hours later on $2,500 surety bond.
Shane A. Daniels, 52, Lehigh, arrested Sunday by a sheriff’s deputy on suspicion of violating an order of protection and failing to appear in court. Released the next day on $2,000 surety bond. Previously jailed March 8, also for allegedly failing to appear in court.
Franklin M. Davis, 49, Peabody, jailed Friday for four days on court orders. Previously jailed Feb. 20 to 23 and Sept. 2, 2018, and Jan. 10 to 14 and Feb. 10 to 12 on court orders, on suspicion of driving with a revoked license, for probation violation, and on suspicion of violating a protective order and possessing hallucinogens and drug paraphernalia.
Nancy Garcia, 45, Florence, arrested Monday by a sheriff’s deputy on suspicion of aggravated burglary and criminal restraint. Held without bond. Previously jailed eight other times, totaling 124 days, between Jan. 26, 2018, and June 8, 2019, on court orders and on suspicion of domestic battery three times, probation violation three times, driving with a suspended license twice, aggravated burglary, assault, burglary, criminal restraint, and violation of an order of protection.
Ryeder R. Gonzalez, 22, Peabody, jailed June 28 after allegedly failing to appear in court. Held in lieu of $250 cash bond.
Richard D. Hill, 31, Newton, arrested Friday by Peabody police on suspicion of domestic battery. Released an hour later on $1,000 surety bond.
Justin L. Kater, 36, Peabody, arrested Saturday by a sheriff’s deputy on suspicion of burglary. Released Tuesday on $5,000 surety bond.
Jaden C. Rickerson, 34, Marion, arrested Thursday by Marion police on suspicion of operating a vehicle without liability insurance, a valid license, and a required ignition interlock. Released 2½ hours later on $5,000 surety bond.
Amanda R. Rutherford, 39, Hope, jailed June 30 after allegedly failing to appear in court. Released four hours later on $500 surety bond. Previously jailed March 7 and April 22 on suspicion of theft and of driving while her license was suspended.
Mark E. Sattler, 53, Newton, arrested Monday by a sheriff’s deputy on suspicion of aggravated burglary, conspiracy to make a criminal threat, and criminal restraint. Held without bond. Previously jailed Dec. 6, 2017, through March 1, 2018, for parole violation.
Ryan A. Hardey, 19, Hillsboro, jailed since June 20.
David M. Impson, 42, Goessel, since Jan. 1.
Brandon L. Klenda, 33, Lincolnville, June 1.
Jade A. Sterk, 21, Newton, May 1.
Last modified July 11, 2019