• Last modified 2241 days ago (Dec. 28, 2018)


County gas prices reach $2

Staff writer

County gas prices in four communities dipped under the $2 threshold Dec. 19, with every other area reaching the hitting the mark in the week since.

The county price of gas sat at $2.37 heading into Thanksgiving, and the price has continued in the weeks since. The county average is at $1.96, which was two cents below the average price for Kansas.

The rate of decrease is slightly below the statewide rate for the month, however, with the county seeing a 35-cent drop.

The most drastic decrease in recent weeks is in Marion, which has a price of $1.90, despite being at $2.01 a week ago.

With a price of $1.93, Hillsboro’s price decreased 32 cents in the last month. Hillsboro’s change is slightly above the state’s average decrease. In the last month, Kansas prices dropped about 9 cents per week to $1.98.

Most of the communities around the county sit below $1.98, with Durham and Lincolnville both at $1.94, and Peabody hitting the mark on the nose.

Heading into the final weekend of 2018, county prices remain consistent with more heavily populated areas like Saline and Sumner Counties.

One of the highest priced regions in Marion County is Florence, at $1.99.

They saw lower decreases over the past month, averaging a six-cent decrease per week.

Last modified Dec. 28, 2018