Counties recycling slated to be taken to Fort Riley
Staff writer
The possibility of once again being paid a rebate for recyclable materials has led county commissioners to send the county’s recyclables to Fort Riley.
A recycle center in South Hutchinson, which the county has been using for years, stopped paying for materials, based on the prices they get for materials.
“We’ve been cut off for the last year,” county recycling director Bud Druse said. “Prices are down.”
Chris Otto, director of recycling at the military base, told county commissioners Monday that Fort Riley’s recycling operation will accept recyclable materials from the county on a trial basis.
After a couple of months, Fort Riley will know what they will pay the county, Otto said.
But they shouldn’t hold their breath.
“It takes the Army a long time to write a check,” he said.
If recyclables are not clean, the Army won’t accept them, Otto said.
There is no contract between the county and the Army.
“If it’s not working for either party, we can go our separate ways,” he said.
Commission chairman Kent Becker said the idea seems to be a viable option. Commissioners voted unanimously to give recycling through Fort Riley a try.
Last modified April 25, 2019