• Last modified 2096 days ago (March 13, 2019)


Council asks for community input

News editor

Peabody city council members handled a short list of routine matters at their Monday meeting.

Council members are interested in hearing from residents and business owners about the best way to promote Peabody. It will be on the March 25 meeting agenda.

A request for $6,827.98 to pay for four reconditioned air packs for the department by fire chief Mark Penner was approved.

The group also approved a $1,000 donation to Peabody Township Library to help with their improvements.

Mayor Tom Spencer presented former mayor Larry Larson with a plaque for his 10 years of service as mayor.

Council members will work on job descriptions for a pool manager and lifeguards for the next meeting.

Fall Fest committee member Ginger Whitney gave an update on progress being made for the Sept. 21 event.

Last modified March 13, 2019