• Last modified 5938 days ago (Nov. 19, 2008)



Contributing writer

Blaine Ammeter of Ellinwood came Wednesday morning to take me to the doctor in El Dorado. He dismissed me and told me I could drive. Wow! I was so glad. Blaine stayed all night and went home Thursday.

Michele Boese and I went to Marion for physical therapy. We visited LeRoy Riggs and then ate lunch and did some shopping.

Blaine and Carol came late Friday night and Todd Ammeter came in the afternoon to spend the weekend.

Saturday started early at the Ammeter farm. Hunting season has arrived. A whole bunch of hunters came to LaVonne’s for lunch. Carol and I had a busy morning. Those eating lunch were B.J. Ammeter, Todd Ammeter, Bob Hartnagel, Michele Montgomery, John Boese, John’s friend from Wichita, Michele, Dylan, and Eric Boese, LaVonne, and Carol. Then they went hunting again.

We didn’t have church Sunday at Summit. The furnace wouldn’t work and it was br-r-r-r cold.

The hunters went hunting again Sunday morning. Everyone was here for lunch. Don and Marjorie Gfeller also joined us. We had such a good visit. Blaine, Carol, and Todd left late Sunday afternoon for Ellinwood.

Lois Sayers picked up Joyce Kyle, Sherry Nightengale, and me Monday afternoon and we attended the Twentieth Century Club meeting at Dorene Kirkpatrick’s. We had a good time and delicious refreshments.

I went to the senior potluck dinner Tuesday at Burns Community Center. We had a good bunch, a good program, and good eats.

B.J. and I went to Peabody late Tuesday afternoon to do some shopping.

Have a good week and watch out for the deer!

Last modified Nov. 19, 2008