• Last modified 2283 days ago (Nov. 15, 2018)


Contest for most food being held

Ready, set, go … to your nearest Marion business or the county courthouse to drop off food and funds for Marion County Resource Center and Food Bank, helping county residents, have full pantries for the holidays.

“Wipe out hunger in Marion County” is this year’s goal. The drive started with Marion Cub Scout Pack 102 and Boy Scout Troop 102 bringing in 500 pounds of food Oct. 28, and Spur Ridge Vet Hospital donating 140 pounds of dog food for pets.

The two-tier drive includes a November competition between departments in the county courthouse, and local businesses.

In December, the drive will focus on Marion elementary, middle, and high schools. Whichever class collects the most will receive a pizza party from the food bank.

“We had 700 neighbors receive food assistance last month, and 6,300 in total from the first of the year,” director Cathy Henderson said.

She said food staples such as spaghetti sauce and soup are needed along with funds to purchase dairy products, eggs, and peanut butter.

Last modified Nov. 15, 2018