• Last modified 2570 days ago (Jan. 31, 2018)


Community benefits from kind heart

Staff writer

Old country music playing softly in the background and the clean smell of hair products in the air, Verna Mosiman sipped her tea as she prepared for another afternoon at Scissor Cottage.

While it may appear to be a typical hair salon to a passerby looking in on the 100 block of E. 2nd St. in Peabody, this little shop is much more for people of all generations.

Mosiman, a cosmetologist since 1969, has a predominately senior clientele, but visitors that stop in are of a wide variety of ages.

A handful of local kids make it a part of their after-school routine to stop in to see Mosiman, and collect a snack.

Bella Wigtion, a Peabody Elementary School fourth grader, is one of Mosiman’s frequent visitors.

“There is some stuff that I can not have because of food allergies,” Bella said as she grabbed a few Jolly Ranchers and pointed out which ones were off limits for her.

“Oh wait, I almost forgot to get my apple,” she said as she grabbed an apple from the back, like many afternoons before.

Mosiman has a variety of candy, with a two-piece limit, fruit, and granola bars.

“I want them to feel welcomed,” Mosiman said.

After school isn’t the only time she sees kids from around the community. Mosiman is also a volunteer greeter at the school every Wednesday morning, offering students smiles and “good-mornings” as they walk into the building.

Mosiman has built such a bond with some youngsters she’s even played the role of grandparent for them at the schools Grandparents Day.

“My grandkids don’t live around here, so it was nice to be able to do that,” she said as she pointed out a picture of one of her adopted “grandkids” in a frame made during Grandparents Day.

In the back of Mosiman’s shop is a table with several sewing machines and fabric of all patterns stacked in organized piles. Mosiman and fellow sewers stay busy sewing hot pads for soup bowls, quilts, and other projects in their free time. They donate all proceeds from their sewn projects to Peabody Hearts for Hart Park, an organization focused on restoring and replacing playground equipment at the Peabody City park.

“I think it’s a good thing for our community,” she said.

As some of her client’s find driving difficult, especially during the winter, Mosiman makes sure they still get their hair done.

“If they spend a few years driving to me, I can go to them,” she says about picking up clients for their appointments. “I’ve also done past clients’ hair for their funeral. I knew what they liked and it’s important for them to look nice,” she said.

Scissor Cottage has become a family affair for some.

Janie Hodges, a regular customer for a perm and a haircut, is one.

“She did my mom’s and sister’s hair, too,” she said. “I like to catch up on all the news and talk about what’s been in the paper,” said Hodges.

But for Hodges, it’s more than catching up on local news.

“She’s not only my beautician,” she said. She’s my church pew partner and my friend. We keep each other in line.”

Mosiman said she feels thankful herself for the support that living in a small town can provide.

“Most of them are very patient with me, and I’m thankful for that,” she said. “We look out for each other, and that’s what it’s all about.”

Last modified Jan. 31, 2018