• Last modified 2515 days ago (March 22, 2018)


Combined Warriors golf squad smaller and younger

Fewer players means more individualized instruction

News editor

It’s just not the same as in previous seasons for Marion and Peabody-Burns golf coach Scott Bauer when he and his team take the course at Marion Country Club for practices this season.

For starters, he doesn’t have to remember as many names.

“It’s a much, much different feel from the past two years,” Bauer said. “We were extremely large, in the 20s. (This year) I have nine golfers between Marion and Peabody.”

Two of those, Devin Soyez and Max Caldwell, are experienced juniors Bauer can build around. With some junior varsity meet experience, Hap Waddell should also contribute early.

“He’s been showing some excellent growth in practice,” Bauer said.

The remaining team members have little to no experience, but with fewer golfers, Bauer and assistant coach Brian Hess can spend more time with each.

“It’s a super hard game,” Bauer said. “It’s a sport that needs so much individualized attention. Brian is a tremendous asset. Most days we split up, divide, and conquer.”

The technical aspects of driving, chipping, and putting are just part of what inexperienced golfers have to learn before their first meet April 3 at Herington, Bauer said.

“What’s tough, too, is all the rules, golf understanding,” he said. “You’re your own referee. In a basketball game, officials do that for us. In golf, you’re your own official.”

Golfers also have to develop a feel for aspects of course management as they play, such as knowing what club to choose and what kind of shot to play in a variety of different situations, Bauer said.

Bauer will be looking for three players to join Soyez, Caldwell, and Waddell to complete a six-man varsity roster, and he hopes all his golfers will compete for those spots.

“It’s not one of those things where anyone can hide in the shadows and expect someone else to step forward,” Bauer said.

He’s also interested in seeing how his inexperienced golfers respond to tournament action.

“I think that’s always a ‘wow’ factor for a lot of them to play a meet with all those other golfers,” Bauer said.

Last modified March 22, 2018