First 25 words (first two, bold) $ 8.50
Each additional word 35¢
Each additional bold-caps word 35¢
“Blind” reply service 10.00
Boxed classifieds and public notices
(per column-inch) 14.95
Kansas classifieds statewide 300.00
Pay in advance: Cash, VISA or MasterCard. Charges for established accounts only.
Online http://mnks.us/ad
E-mail classified@mnks.us
Phone (620) 382-2165
Deadline 5 p.m. Monday
All real estate advertised is subject to the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.”
1 |
Personals |
14 |
Real estate |
2 |
Pets |
15 |
Homes for sale |
3 |
Lost & found |
16 |
Dwellings for rent |
4 |
Garage sales |
17 |
For rent |
5 |
Public auctions |
18 |
Help wanted |
6 |
Wanted |
19 |
Work wanted |
7 |
For sale |
20 |
Bus. opportunity |
8 |
Livestock |
21 |
Special notices |
9 |
Food |
22 |
Special services |
10 |
Cars & trucks |
23 |
Cards of thanks |
11 |
Land |
24 |
Kansas classified |
12 |
Feed & seed |
25 |
Public notices |
13 |
Lawn & garden |
Faced with a drinking problem? Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can help. Weekly meetings. Open to the public. Come see us 7 to 8 p.m. Mondays at St. Luke Medical Clinic basement, 537 S. Freeborn St., Marion.
Marion Chapter of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 9:30 a.m. Thursdays, Hilltop Manor, 1501 E. Lawrence St., Marion.
04 Garage sales
Big garage sale Saturday, March 22 - everything FREE, 2120 Strassburg, Marion Reservoir, Christensen, (620) 382-3141
18 help wanted
Place your 25-word classified in the Kansas Press Association and 135 more newspapers for only $300 a week. Find employees; sell your home or your car. Call the Kansas Press Association at (785) 271-5304 today!
Attention: Viagra and Cialis users! A cheaper alternative to high drug store prices! 50 pill special, only $99! 100% guaranteed. Call now: (866) 481-0668
We buy vintage guitars! Looking for 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson mandolins / banjos. These brands only. Call for a quote. (877) 560-1992
CASH paid for high-end men’s sport watches. Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner, and Speedmaster. Call (866) 481-0636
Got an unwanted car? Donate it to Patriotic Hearts. Fast, free pick up. All 50 states. Patriotic Hearts’ programs help veterans find work or start their own business. Call 24/7: (877) 560-5087
Bath and shower updates in as little as one day! Affordable prices; no payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty and professional installs. Senior and military discounts available. Call: (866) 481-0747
Stop overpaying for health insurance! A recent study shows that a majority of people struggle to pay for health coverage. Let us show you how much you can save. Call now for a no-obligation quote: (888) 519-3376. You will need to have your ZIP code to connect to the right provider.
Injured in an accident? Don’t accept the insurance company’s first offer. Many injured parties are entitled to cash settlements in the $10,000’s. Get a free evaluation to see what your case is really worth. 100% free evaluation. Call now: (888) 920-1883
Aging roof? New homeowner? Storm damage? You need a local expert provider that proudly stands behind their work. Fast, free estimate. Financing available. Call (877) 589-0093. Have ZIP code of property ready when calling!
Water damage cleanup and restoration: a small amount of water can lead to major damage in your home. Our trusted professionals do complete repairs to protect your family and your home’s value! Call 24/7: (877) 586-6688. Have ZIP code of service location ready when you call!
Need new windows? Drafty rooms? Chipped or damaged frames? Need outside noise reduction? New, energy efficient windows may be the answer! Call for a consultation and free quote today. (866) 766-5558. You will need to have your ZIP code to connect to the right provider.
First published March 5, 2025, in the Marion County Record, Marion, Kansas (4t)
RE: Palomino Petroleum, Inc. -- Application of order to permit to dispose salt water into the Kaw #3, located in Marion County, Kansas.
TO: All Oil and Gas Producers, Unleased Mineral Interest Owners, Landowners, and all persons whosoever concerned.
You, and each of you, are hereby notified that Palomino Petroleum, Inc. has filed an application to commence the disposal of salt water into the Arbuckle formation at the Kaw #3, located 1450’ FSL & 2012’ FWL of Sec. 6-22S-4E, Marion County, Kansas, with a maximum operating pressure of 250# and a maximum injection rate of 2000 bbls. per day.
Any persons who object to or protest this application shall be required to file their objections or protests with the Conservation Division of the State Corporation Commission of the State of Kansas within fifteen (15) days from the date of the publication. These protests shall be filed pursuant to Commission regulations and must state specific reasons why the grant of the application may cause waste, violate correlative rights or pollute the natural resources of the state of Kansas. If no protests are received, this application may be granted through a summary proceeding. If valid protests are received, this matter will be set for hearing.
All persons interested or concerned shall take notice of the foregoing and shall govern themselves accordingly.
Palomino Petroleum, Inc.
4924 SE 84th St.
Newton, KS 67114-8827
(316) 799-1000
First published March 5, 2025, in the Marion County Record, Marion, Kansas (3t)
In the Matter of the Estate of
Bridjraj Singh, Deceased
Case No. SG-2023-PR-001197
Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 59
You are notified that Nalini Fraser, Administrator of this Estate, will offer for sale at public auction the following described real estate situated in Marion County, Kansas:
The Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of Section Twenty (20), Township Twenty-one (21) South, Range Two (2) East of the 6th P.M., Marion County, Kansas.
Beginning on April 1, 2025 at 2:00 PM Central Time and ending on April 16, 2025 at 2:00 PM Central Time. This auction will be offered live stream with real time bidding (no in-person bidding) at https://www.mccurdy.com/auction/10442.
Nalini Fraser
G. Andrew Marino, #21716
Gibson Watson Marino LLC
301 North Main, Ste 1300
Wichita, KS 67202
Attorneys for Administrator
First published March 12, 2025, in the Marion County Record, Marion, Kansas (2t)
East Branch Township will hold it’s annual meeting March 26, 2025, 7 p.m. at 1173 Indigo Rd., Peabody.
First published March 12, 2025, in the Marion County Record, Marion, Kansas (3t)
EDWIN H. ROBINSON SR, Deceased Case No. MN-2025-PR-000006
Pursuant to Kansas Statutes Annotated, Chapter 59
You are hereby notified that on the 25th day of February, 2025, a Petition for Letters of Administration was filed in the above Court by Kevin C. Robinson as an heir of Edwin H. Robinson Sr, deceased.
All creditors are notified to exhibit their demands against said estate within four months from the date of the first publication of this notice as provided by law; and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred.
110 East Broadway
Newton, KS 67114
Phone: 316-283-4560
Email: joerobb@robblaw.com Attorneys for Petitioner
First published March 19, 2025, in the Hillsboro Star-Journal, Peabody Gazette-Bulletin and Marion County Record, Marion, Kansas (1t)
The Kansas Noxious Weed Law K.S.A. 2-1314 et seq requires all person who own or supervise land in Kansas to control and eradicate all weeds declared noxious by legislative action. The weeds declared noxious are Field Bindweed, Musk Thistle, Johnsongrass, Bur Ragweed, Canada Thistle, Sericea Lespedeza, Leafy Spurge, Hoary Cress, Quackgrass, Russian Knapweed, Kudzu, and Pignut. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Kansas Noxious Weed Law to every person who owns or supervises land in Marion County that noxious weed growing or found on such land shall be controlled and eradicated. Control is defined as preventing the production of viable seed and vegetative spread of the plant.
Failure to observe this notice may result in the County:
1. Serving legal notice requiring control of the noxious weeds within a minimum of five days. Failure to control the noxious weeds within the time period allowed may result in the county treating the noxious weeds at the landowners expense and placing a lien on the property if the bill is not paid within 30 days or,
2. Filing criminal charges for non-compliance. Conviction for non-compliance may result in a fine of $100 per day of non-compliance with a maximum fine of $1,500.
The public is also hereby notified that it is a violation of the Kansas Noxious Weed Law to barter, sell or give away infested nursery stock or livestock feed unless the feed is fed on the farm where grown or sold to a commercial processor that will destroy the viability of the noxious weed seed. Custom harvesting machines must be labeled with a label provided by the Kansas Department of Agriculture and must be free of all weed seed and litter when entering the State and when leaving a field infested with noxious weeds. Additional information may be obtained from the County Noxious Weed Department or by contacting the Kansas Department of Agriculture, 1320 Research Park Drive, Manhattan, KS 66502.
Then Marion County Noxious Weed Department has the chemicals on hand that are needed to treat noxious weed problems
The chemicals we currently have on hand are as follows:
• 2,4D Amine available in 2.5 gal containers
• 2,4D Lo Vol available in 2.5 gal containers
• Dicamba available in 2.5 gal containers
• Remedy Ultra available in 2.5 gal containers
• Glyphosate (Roundup) available in 2.5 gal containers
• Milestone available in Quarts and 2.5 gal containers
• Escort XP available in 8oz and 16oz containers
• Plateau available in 1 gal containers
• Tordon 22K available in 1 gal containers (must have applicator license to purchase)
We also offer a cost share certificate of these chemicals to be used at the local coops, Ag Service, and API. You must own or farm land in Marion County to be able to purchase the chemicals or use the cost share certificate program. These chemicals and cost share certificates are for the control of noxious weeds in Marion County.
Also we are concerned with sensitive plants, so if you have grape vines, organic plants or concerns about us spraying in front of your property, please give us a call. We can put you on our no spray list. If you have been on the list in the past, please call and make sure we still have you on the list.
Thank you,
Josh Housman
Noxious Weed Director
First published March 19, 2025, in the Marion County Record, Marion, Kansas (1t)
Official Notice of
The Tri-County Telephone Association, Inc.
Annual Meeting of Members
The 62nd annual meeting of Members of The Tri-County Telephone Association, Inc. will be held at the Herington Community Building, 810 South Broadway, Herington, Kansas, on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. The meal will be served beginning at 6pm followed by the recognition of the TCT scholarship winners. The business meeting officially starts at 7pm.
In accordance with bylaw, Article IV, Section 6, Subsection (g), only one application per district was submitted and no petitions were submitted, therefore, nominees will be appointed by the board. There will be no voting at the 2025 Annual Meeting.
Appointees for the Board are:
District #1:
Tanner Stucky, White City, KS
At Large West District:
Monte Dibben, Junction City, KS
The meeting will be conducted by the President, Shawn Tiffany, and will consist of the following:
Meet, Greet and Dinner.
Recognition of TCT Scholarship winners.
Report on number of members present to determine quorum.
Reading of Notice and Proof of mailing thereof.
Reading of unapproved minutes of previous Annual Meeting and taking of necessary action, thereon.
Presentation of Reports of Officers, Directors, and CEO.
Unfinished Business.
New Business.
Announcement of door prize winners.
First published March 19, 2025, in the Hillsboro Star-Journal, Peabody Gazette-Bulletin and Marion County Record, Marion, Kansas (1t)
WHEREAS, the grass and crop land of Kansas forms an important part of our economy, and provides for the protection of watersheds, forage for livestock, refuge for wildlife and recreational opportunities. Recognition that proper land management and agricultural economics may require the utilization of controlled prescribed burns is imperative. Many positive effects in ecosystems may be realized by correctly timing and conducting prescribed burns, netting ecological and economic benefit. However, wildfires endanger those resources, real and personal property, and the lives of residents and visitors in these areas; and
WHEREAS, dry and windy weather conditions and above normal temperatures, combined with open public burning without consulting local fire departments sometimes creates a fire hazard to the grass and crop land of Marion County, Kansas; and
WHEREAS, once started, these fires are often difficult to control. Out of control fire impacts the resources of rural fire districts not only financially, but in manpower as well.
WHEREAS, the damage caused by out-of-control fires can be minimized by requiring the public to follow certain rules and regulations.
I. DEFINITIONS: The following definitions apply to this resolution:
1. Open Fire/Burn: Any fire that is not started and contained in a non-combustible container for the duration of the burning activity. 2. Grass/Crop Fire: Grass and/or crop stubble, intentionally ignited for the purpose of land management 3. Brush Fire: Wood, as reasonably made free of metal as possible, and in its natural form arranged in piles or similar, intentionally ignited for the purpose of disposal.
II. REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS – OPEN FIRE-BURN AND GRASS/CROP FIRE: Any person starting a fire for an open burn or grass/crop fire as defined herein shall comply with the following: 1. Prior to any such burning, the dispatcher at the Marion County Sheriff’s Office at 620-382-2144 shall be notified of the intent to burn within 120 minutes prior to the ignition of the fire. Information concerning the location, including specific travel directions, approximate beginning time and approximate length of time the burn will occur shall be given to the dispatcher at the time of the notification. In the event the fire is not started within 120 minutes of the estimated time, a new call must be placed to verify intent and permissibility to burn before ignition takes place. 2. No open fires shall be allowed if the Marion County Sheriff’s Department dispatch deems conditions to be too dangerous as identified in the current Burn Resolution 2025-08. The Marion County Sheriff’s Department shall use the Grassland Fire Danger Index (www.weather.gov/ict/fire) to determine whether or not an open burn will be authorized. If the index is VERY HIGH or ABOVE during the estimated duration of the burn, within the identified quadrant, (see appendix 1) no open burning shall be authorized. 3. All open fires shall be attended by a competent person from the time of ignition to the time the fire is contained. Reasonable means must be immediately available to control or contain the fire. a) A person shall not conduct a burn that creates a traffic safety hazard. If conditions exist that may result in smoke blowing toward a public roadway, the person conducting the burn shall give adequate notification to the highway patrol, Marion County Sheriff’s Office, or other appropriate state or local traffic control authorities before burning; b) A person shall not conduct a burn that creates an airport safety hazard. If smoke may affect visibility at an airport, the person conducting the burn shall give adequate notifications to the appropriate airport authorities before burning. c) Burning at night is discouraged due to the elevated risk to emergency response personnel and to those seeking to contain the prescribed burn. 4. The person igniting the open fire assumes all responsibilities for any fire damage or loss of life, that may result from said fire to any real or personal property. 5. The Marion County Emergency Management Director based on the recommendation of the incident/unified command, may impose a temporary countywide burn ban, during a state of immediate emergency, during which time no burning will be allowed under any circumstances. In the event that the Emergency Management Director exercises this authority, they shall notify the Marion County Commissioners as soon as it is practicable. The County Emergency Management Director shall have the authority to remove the temporary ban as soon as conditions safely allow. 6. The Fire Chief of each fire district and/or municipality and/or contracted fire protection area and/or township shall have the authority to impose a burn ban in their district or area of responsibility when they deem it necessary, during a state of immediate emergency. This authority shall only be implemented if, the removal of department resources from a current emergency will create an immediate or elevated hazard to life or property. No new burning will be allowed in said district, municipality, contracted fire protection area, or township under any circumstances. This temporary burn ban shall expire automatically after a period of six hours unless extended by the Fire Chief in charge of the incident. Extensions of this ban shall be for a period of three hours each. No more than two periods of extension shall be permitted without the approval from the Marion County Commission. The Fire Chief may, at his/her discretion, remove the temporary ban at any time prior to the automatic expiration. 7. This resolution may be subject to review on an annual basis by a committee of Fire Chiefs and Landowners. 8. The website that will be used by the Marion County Sheriff’s Office dispatch to find fire / weather conditions for open burning is: www.weather.gov/ict/fire
III. REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS PERTAINING TO BRUSH FIRE AND PILES: Any person igniting a brush pile fire as defined herein shall comply with the following: 1. Prior to any such burning, the dispatcher at the Marion County Sheriff’s Office at 620-382-2144 shall be notified of the intent to burn within 120 minutes prior to the ignition of the fire. Information concerning the location, including specific travel directions, approximate beginning time and approximate length of time the burn will occur shall be given to the dispatcher at the time of the notification. In the event the fire is not started within 120 minutes of the estimated time, a new call must be placed to verify intent and permissibility to burn before ignition takes place. A) The following information concerning the burn will be provided to dispatch; a) Landowner and or person responsible for the burn; b) Contact information; c) Location of brush fire; d) Specific travel directions; e) Clearance distance from other fuels (safe/clear zone around pile); f) Will this fire cause smoke across a roadway. 2. No open fires shall be allowed if the Marion County Sheriff’s Department dispatch, deems conditions to be too dangerous as identified in the current Burn Resolution. The Marion County Sheriff’s Department shall use the Grassland Fire Danger Index (www.weather.gov/ict/fire) to determine whether or not an open burn will be authorized. If the index is VERY HIGH or ABOVE during the estimated duration of the burn, within the identified quadrant, (see appendix 1) no open burning shall be authorized. a) Using the Fire Weather Planning Forecast and the Grassland Fire Danger Index to determine whether or not a brush pile burn will be permitted. If the index is VERY HIGH or ABOVE for the next 72 hours post ignition, within the identified quadrant, (see appendix 1) no brush pile burning shall be authorized. 3. All Brush fires shall be attended from the time of ignition until such time as flame height is no greater than 6”- 12”. Brush piles shall be inspected periodically (a minimum 2-3 times daily, with greater frequency as general conditions dictate) throughout the burn cycle, until such time as pile is ruled extinguished and cold. Reasonable means must be immediately available to control or contain the fire. a) No person shall conduct an open burn that creates a traffic safety hazard. If conditions exist that may result in smoke blowing toward a public roadway, the person conducting the burn shall give adequate notification to the highway patrol, Marion County Sheriff’s Office, or other appropriate state or local traffic control authorities before burning; b) No person shall conduct an open burn that creates an airport safety hazard. If smoke may affect visibility at an airport, the person conducting the burn shall give adequate notifications to the appropriate airport authorities before burning. c) Burning at night is strongly discouraged due to the elevated risk to emergency response personnel and to those seeking to contain the prescribed burn. 4. The person igniting the open fire assumes all responsibilities for any fire damage or loss of life, that may result from said fire to any real or personal property. 5. The Marion County Emergency Management Director may impose a temporary countywide burn ban, during a state of immediate emergency, during which time no burning will be allowed under any circumstances. In the event that the Emergency Management Director exercises this authority, they shall notify the Marion County Commissioners as soon as it is practicable. The County Emergency Management Director shall have the authority to remove the temporary ban as soon as conditions safely allow. 6. The Fire Chief of each fire district and/or municipality and/or contracted fire protection area and/or township shall have the authority to impose a burn ban in their district or area of responsibility when they deem it necessary, during a state of immediate emergency, no burning will be allowed in said district, municipality, contracted fire protection area, or township under any circumstances. This ban shall remain in force until it is lifted by the Fire Chief of said district or their authorized agent. 7. This resolution may be subject to review on an annual basis by a committee of Fire Chiefs and Landowners. 8. The website that will be used by the Marion County Sheriff’s Office dispatch to find fire / weather conditions for open burning is: www.weather.gov/ict/fire IV. PENALTIES AND FEES: In accordance with K.S.A 19-4701 and 19-101(d), a violation of the above Regulations and Requirements shall result in the person setting the open fire being subject to the following, to wit: 1. a) A violation of the above Regulations and Requirements shall be considered a misdemeanor and any person convicted of violation of the resolution shall be subject to a fine of no less than $100.00 and no more than $2,500 and/ or a maximum one (1) year jail sentence per occurrence. All such violations so cited shall be prosecuted in the Marion County District Court, 8th Judicial District, Marion, Kansas. b) A violation of the above Regulations and Requirements shall also carry administrative fees assessed pursuant to Paragraph 2 immediately following herein consistent with the severity of the violation and considering any prior or repeated violations by the violator. Such charges shall be determined, both as to assessment as well as magnitude, by the fire department within whose jurisdiction the subject violation occurred. 2. If a fire department is called to or responds to an open fire, and the person responsible for the fire has not complied with the notification requirements and safety precautions, fees will be charged to that person as follows: Vehicle fees will be determined utilizing the attached Schedule of Charges with a minimum charge of two (2) hours for each and every emergency vehicle responding to the incident. These fees will be reviewed periodically, as needed, by the Marion County Fire Chiefs Association for possible changes. a) a) Thirty-Five Dollars $35.00 per man hour for each firefighter participating on site, with a minimum charge of two (2) hours assessed for each firefighter. These charges may be reviewed periodically, as needed, by the Marion County Fire Chiefs Association to maintain currency in actual costs incurred. b) Any and all losses to emergency equipment as a result of the fire response. c) Any additional or extraordinary costs that arise due to an expanding incident will be the responsibility of the individual causing the fire and will be paid to the county as billed by the county or to the agency as billed by the responding agencies. d) Fees resulting from this document will be paid to the responding fire department or departments, Fines will go to the county. e) Responsibility for the assessment of both administrative fees and reimbursable costs, shall initially be assigned to the fire service primarily responsible.
Marion County Fire Chiefs Schedule of Charges any item not listed on this Schedule of charges will utilize the Current FEMA Schedule of Charges
Equipment Description |
Hourly Rate |
Engine Type 1 |
$165.00 |
Engine Type 3 |
$145.00 |
Engine Type 4 |
$135.00 |
Engine Type 5 |
$110.00 |
Engine Type 6 |
$105.00 |
Support Tender 4000 Gal + Type 1 |
$130.00 |
Support Tender 2500-3999 Gal Type 2 |
$115.00 |
Support Tender 1000-2499 Gal Type 3 |
$85.00 |
4x2 Truck ½ ton |
$25.00 |
4x4 Truck ½ ton |
$27.00 |
4x2 Truck ¾ ton |
$25.00 |
4x4 Truck ¾ ton |
$27.00 |
4x2 Truck 1 ton |
$25.00 |
4x4 Truck 1 ton |
$31.00 |
SUV Compact |
$22.00 |
SUV Full Size |
$30.00 |
UTV w/trailer |
$21.00 |
Adopted this 10th day of March, 2025 by the Board of County Commissioners,
Board of County Commissioners, Marion County, Kansas
Jonah Gehring, Chairman - District 5 (yea)
Kent Becker, Member - District 1 (yea) Clarke Dirks, Member - District 3 (yea)Dave Crofoot, Member - District 4 (yea) Mike Beneke, Member - District 2 (yea) Attest: Ashley Herpich, County Clerk
Last modified March 19, 2025