division cases
This information was filed last week in civil division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records.
Discover Bank filed a petition March 4 against Teresa L. Naerebout, Hillsboro, seeking $5,848.98 plus interest and costs for unpaid credit card bills.
Ralph Klenda filed a petition March 5 against Wallace Granzow seeking more than $75,000 plus costs. Klenda claims Granzow was negligent in a May 23 automobile accident, causing personal injuries, medical expenses, and economic losses.
Megan Naylor was ordered Jan. 16 to pay Newton Healthcare Corp. $669.84 plus costs and interest for unpaid medical bills.
A lawsuit earlier filed against Jeremy J. Friesen by Newton Healthcare Corp. was dismissed Feb. 20.
Last modified March 14, 2019