This information was filed last week in civil division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records.
Kimberly A. Riggs was ordered May 16 to pay Southwest National Bank $2,683.10 plus fees and costs for an unpaid auto loan.
A lawsuit earlier filed against Shane M. O’Neill by Newton Health Care Corp. was dismissed June 7.
Melissa Kruse was ordered May 16 to pay $700 rent and vacate premises owned by Edward Silhan.
Sandra Miller was ordered June 8 to pay Midland Funding $654.81 for unpaid credit card bills.
Sherry L. Nelson was ordered June 6 to pay Capital One Bank $8,229.35 for unpaid credit card bills.
A lawsuit earlier filed against Karen J. Sites by Capital One Bank was dismissed June 6.
Last modified June 21, 2018