division cases
This information has been filed in civil division of Marion County District Court:
PHH Mortgage Corporation vs. John H. and Terri Goff, mortgage foreclosure.
Middlecreek Corporation vs. Doo-It Paving Inc., Gordon B. Stull, TNT Well Servicing, and Trevor W., Patricia L., and Kevin McAdoo, fraud; motion hearing, 9:30 a.m. April 19.
Dinning-Beard Realtors vs. Randy Eitzen; bench trial, 10:30 a.m. May 3.
Shirley L. Weibert vs. S. Warren Weibert and Sheryl White; status hearing, 10 a.m. May 3.
Ruf Nek Well Servicing and Supply Co., Inc., vs. Donald C. Clark; case dismissed with prejudice.
Austin R. and Kenny C. Jost vs. Destiny Tyler, Shannon Denardi, and Larry Bartlett, automobile tort; motion hearing, 10 a.m. Aug. 2.
Darryl J. and Linda K. Brewer vs. City of Marion and Board of Zoning Appeals; status hearing, 10 a.m. May 3.
LVNV Funding LLC vs. Jeff J. Throop; answer hearing, 9 a.m. April 27.
Credit Management Services Inc. vs. Michelle Ratzloff; answer hearing, 9 a.m. May 2.
Michael F. Reeh M.D. vs. Raymond A. Wasinger; default judgment against defendant for $250 plus costs and interest, if applicable.