division cases
This information has been filed in civil division of Marion County District Court:
Emprise Bank, N.A. vs. Billy R. Williams, etal., prejudgement information sheet, agreed.
Citibbank N.A. vs. Michael Wheeler, prejudgement information sheet, disagree.
Central National Bank vs. Dawn M. Kaiser, prejudgement information sheet, no contest.
Newton Medical Center vs. Lauren Sattler, etal., release of garnishment.
Jennifer E. Silhan vs. Joseph M. Silhan, divorce granted.
Timothy Alan Garth vs. Samantha Gayle Collett, divorce granted.
Lynnette Dashner, Petitioner vs. William W. Dashner Respondent, order of dismissal, action is dismissed on Plantiff reguest.
Mark A. Wheeler vs. Lecrecia L. Cross-Wheeler, divorce granted.
Matthew Allen Sprowls, etal., Petitioner vs. Kimberly Shontell Frye, Respondent, Plaintiffs motion for mediation and custody evaluation and Plaintiffs motion for modification of temporary orders.