• Last modified 2184 days ago (Feb. 14, 2019)


Chief requests new door for office

Peabody chief of police Bruce Burke told city council members Jan. 28 that he wants a new door for the police station.

“We’ve had problems with the wind catching and blowing open the entry door since the door and closure were initially installed,” Burke said. “They are really not heavy enough for our situation.”

Only Hillsboro’s Wiebe Siding and Remodeling submitted bids — one for an individual door, and one for a door, wheelchair accessible threshold, and an outside alcove for wind and weather protection.

With the proposed threshold, the building will become ADA compliant and allow people with wheelchairs to enter the department, Burke said.

The entire project will be $6,300 and included in the 2020 budget.

No official action was taken.

Last modified Feb. 14, 2019