• Last modified 1238 days ago (Sept. 16, 2021)


Changes planned for pond where worker drowned

Staff writer

A safety committee of Hillsboro residents and its street superintendent are investigating a pond between Bomgaars and R and D Liquor Store where Kim Carlson drowned while mowing.

City crews will mow the area for the month and a half remaining on Carlson’s contract.

“There’s always things you could do about being a little bit better, about being vigilant about it,” city administrator Matt Stiles said. “We talked about a different kind of landscaping at the edge to keep people back, like native trees or native grass.”

Reshaping the pond is another option, and Stiles mentioned eventually having to redo all the city’s ponds to fight erosion.

“We’re going to evaluate it at the end of the year,” he said.

Last modified Sept. 16, 2021