Caster to be headliner
Brody Caster will be the headliner at the annual Florence Labor Day celebration Sept. 1, 2, and 3 in Florence.
This year’s celebration will feature a co-ed slow-pitch softball tournament on Sept. 1.
Saturday events include citywide garage sales, free face painting, caricature drawings, and henna tattoos. Brody Caster and “Justus” round out the evening entertainment.
Community church service kicks off Sunday’s events followed by a potluck lunch in Grandview Park. A bike decorating workshop for kids will be at 2 p.m. An 1860’s vintage baseball game starts at 6 p.m. followed by fireworks at dusk.
Monday events are “Rumpshaker at the Nation’s Crossroads” 5K run and 1-mile fun run, horseshoe pitching, and a parade at 11 a.m. Mutton bustin’ for children begins at noon followed by kids’ games and FFA “Barnyard” Olympics.
Flint Hills Muzzleloaders Club weekend shoot will be Sept. 1 and 2. Contests include black powder shoot, hawk-knife, and BB gun shoot for children.
The public is invited. More information is available from Lynette Schmidt at (620) 382-5841.
A $5 button is required for admission to most events. T-shirts and buttons can be purchased at Cottonwood Valley Bank and city office in Florence or call Melanie Grimmett at (620) 381-1083.
For general information, call Melvin Honeyfield (620) 382-6434.
Last modified Aug. 8, 2018