• Last modified 1802 days ago (March 12, 2020)


CASA program gets funding boost

The court appointed special advocate program of the 8th Judicial District, which includes Marion County, was awarded a $4,450 professional development grant from the National Court Appointed Special Advocate/Guardian ad Litem Association for Children.

CASA of the 8th Judicial District recruits, trains, and supports volunteers to advocate for the best interests of children who are in the court system because of abuse or neglect.

“This funding will allow staff to receive additional training to help better serve the abused, neglected, and trafficked children who are assigned to our program,” said Lisa Hatt, executive director of CASA of the 8th Judicial District. “We will also be able to share what is learned with our volunteers and community partners.”

The grant will pay for coursework and other costs leaders would otherwise incur to develop the skills to better serve children who have an advocate.

Last modified March 12, 2020