• Last modified 2033 days ago (July 18, 2019)


Car rear-ends semi on US-50

Wendell G. Smith II, 39, Randolph, Wisconsin, was taken to St. Francis Hospital in Wichita after crashing into a semi driven by Matthew M. Njoroge, 44, Wichita at 3:38 p.m. Sunday near Peabody.

Smith was headed east on US-50 in a 2006 Dodge Durango with his family when he merged from the left passing lane into the right, crashing into the 2014 Peterbilt semi driven by Njoroge.

State trooper Dean Baldwin and ambulances from Marion Peabody, and Hillsboro responded to the scene.

Smith suffered injuries when the airbag deployed, and all four passengers were taken to the hospital with minor injuries.

The two ambulances were rerouted to Wichita on the way to Newton Medical Center.

The family was picked up from the hospital Monday in a different vehicle, Baldwin said.

“I saw them all Monday,” he said. “They were getting in their vehicle, and down the road they headed.”

Simmons Towing of Herington towed the SUV, but Njoroge left the scene with only minor damage to the semi.

Last modified July 18, 2019