• Last modified 2507 days ago (April 5, 2018)


Butler bringing auto program to Peabody-Burns

Program open to all county districts

Staff writer

Aspiring auto mechanics will soon have a local option to learn the trade through a partnership between Butler Community College and Peabody-Burns school district.

Peabody-Burns High School will be home to Early College Automotive Technology Academy, Butler’s newest early college academy.
Juniors and Seniors can take automotive and general education courses that apply toward an associate degree from Butler.

Superintendent Ron Traxson said that there are still a few details to iron out but he is pleased this option will be available to students from county districts. Peabody-Burns has four students who committed to the program, he said.

Centre High School has four students who commute to the El Dorado campus for an auto program now, Traxson said, and they are interested in the new program being offered in Peabody this fall.

“The issue is going to be the first year and getting it up and running to see what that looks like,” he said. “Hopefully this is something that kids will take advantage of.”

Traxson also said Peabody-Burns has plans to assist students with applying and receiving scholarships as they will be responsible for tuition and fees.

The academy focuses on eventual transferability to a four-year college.

“When they finish high school, they’ll only be one semester shy of an associate’s degree,” Traxson said. “They should be able to get a good paying job by December of the following year.”

Last modified April 5, 2018