• Last modified 2215 days ago (Jan. 17, 2019)


Buses to transport from school to day care

Peabody-Burns school district will bus students from school to licensed day care on regular routes on a trial basis for the rest of the school year.

At Wednesday’s board meeting, superintendent Ron Traxson updated board members on current projects, including purchasing a 72-passenger activity bus, district radio upgrade, additional speakers for the elementary, and electrical upgrades.

To show their appreciation, the board will give Peabody Holiday Bucks to staff.

The board approved the Wheat State League sportsmanship creed.

Four executive sessions included discussion on a possible purchase of property, certified staff, supplemental personnel/positions, and district day care program. No official action was taken on the sessions except school-to-day-care transportation.

Last modified Jan. 17, 2019