Burns correspondent
Marvin and Sherol Nightengale announce the birth of a new great-grandson, Brock Wilds, born Jan. 7 on great-grandpa’s birthday, weighing 7 lbs., 9 ounces. The baby is the son of Kristen (Foote) and Brandon Wilds, of South Carolina.
Renferd and Wanda Koehn and Lonnie celebrated Vernon Koehn’s 80th birthday on Feb. 13, with guests Judy Koehn, Dalen and Beth Koehn, Luana Isaac, Kevin and Jan Jantz, Kaylee, Shawna, and Jesse, and Rose Forgy, Melissa, and Ryan.
Tom and Claudia Ehmke of Ohio arrived at the home of his aunt, Marie Clark, the afternoon of Feb. 10. They were overnight guests and left the following morning for Arizona.
Dinner guests on Feb. 12 of Mary and Gary Langenegger were Brian and Carrie Kasper of Peabody, Justin Mayfield and Lana of Newton, Greg and Zeola Langenegger, and Joyce Kyle.
Joyce Kyle called on Glenn and Betty Kyle in the morning Feb. 8.
Burns First Mennonite Church had a chili supper in the evening Feb. 11 and then enjoyed the movie, “Courageous.”
Senior citizens learn about Valentine’s Day
Burns Senior Citizens met Feb. 14 at Burns Community Center, with 22 in attendance. LaVonne Ammeter asked the blessing and all members pledged allegiance to the flag.
After the meal, James Olberding called the meeting to order and announced Doni Rogers would present the program. She reviewed the history of Valentine’s Day with some very interesting facts.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was given and the meeting was adjourned.