Burns correspondent
Carolee Koehn came home Dec. 16 for Christmas vacation. Meeting her at the airport were Renferd and Wanda Koehn and Vernon and Judy Koehn.
On Dec. 18, dinner guests of Renferd, Wanda, and Lonnie Koehn were Carolee, Dalen, and Beth Koehn.
Lawrence and Lois Sayers hosted a birthday supper Dec. 17 for Lawrence, Bruce Sayers, and Sara Wessel. Guests were the honorees and Roy and Leroy Wessel, Sandy Sayers, and Megan and Jessica Sayers.
The afternoon of Dec. 20, Lawrence and Lois Sayers called on Joyce Kyle.
Ronnie and Patti Gaines and Dusty Gaines attended a Gaines pre-Christmas soup supper Dec. 17 in Peabody.
Marvin and Sherol Nightengale called on Don and Twylah Nightengale on Dec. 19 in Florence.
Jen Stucky of Newton visited her mother, Marie Clark, on Dec. 18.
Word was received that Norma Walter Martin, formerly of Burns, died Dec. 14.
On Dec. 16, Evelyn Sidener and Joyce Kyle attended the Marion County Senior Citizens’ Board meeting in Marion.
On Dec. 18, Joyce Kyle was a guest with other family members at the home of Mary Langenegger for her Christmas dinner. In the evening, Kyle attended the First Mennonite Church Christmas program.
Kyle attended the Eden Mennonite Church Youth Christmas Caroling on Dec. 20 at the Burns Community Center.