• Last modified 2438 days ago (June 7, 2018)


Bluegrass lineup sounds like salad bar

Staff writer

A musical lineup that sounds as if it is straight off a salad bar will be on tap when Bluegrass at the Lake unveils its new $5 cover charge June 16. While all bands are from a bluegrass origin, many identify themselves in a unique way.

Whiskey Spit will start the evening at 5 p.m. pickin’ with more of a traditional bluegrass sound, followed by Robin and Billie, who will offer folkgrass at 6.

JV’s Fillin’ Station, of Oklahoma City, identifies itself as “country?” on social media, along with a disclaimer that it is, in fact, not a gas station.

Whiskey for the Lady will bring a distinctive sound of foot stompin’ metal grass at 8 p.m. from Platte City, Missouri. The band classifies themselves as newgrass. It will be followed by country folk from Haymakers at 9.

80 Proof Engine will headline the evening with tunes from a nastygrass origin at 10:15.

“We want bands to stay as close as we can to bluegrass roots,” event chairman Bob McCurdy said. “No electronics, just a sound system. Everything is acoustic, with the true flare of bluegrass type of music.”

The decision to begin charging $5 for attendees age 13 and up is to avoid putting too much pressure on donors.

“We’ve knocked on the door of local businesses every year, and I would like to see the event get to the point where it stands on its own without having to go to sky high ticket prices,” McCurdy said.

Sponsorships still be will be sought even though organizers would like to see the event become self-sustaining with proceeds staying at the lake.

“Just because I’d like to see it become a stand-alone event doesn’t mean we’re going to give up on sponsorship,” McCurdy said. “We will still hang the banner, mention them several times during the show, and thank them for supporting us. But all proceeds go to the lake. It doesn’t fall in any pockets.”

McCurdy also reminds attendees that in case of inclement weather the event will be moved inside the lake hall.

Last modified June 7, 2018