• Last modified 2279 days ago (Nov. 15, 2018)


Bible-based club begins at elementary school

Intern writer

A new club has started at Peabody-Burns Elementary.

The Good News Club is an after-school program dedicated to spreading the gospel to children. The class is taught by Ellen Rohl and her assistant, Michael Thiessen, a recent high school graduate.

The club is a part of the Child Evangelism Fellowship, an international organization dedicated to teaching children about the Bible. There are hundreds of clubs internationally, as well as many local chapters. The fellowship provides all the materials for the clubs.

“My primary motivation is to share with them what is in the Bible,” Rohl said. “A lot of children don’t have church homes where they are taught Bible stories and lessons.”

Since the Peabody branch’s beginning nearly a month ago, it has grown from four to 14 students ranging from kindergarten to 5th grade. They meet Tuesdays after school in the music room.

Along with learning Bible stories, they sing songs such as “Jesus Loves Me 1, 2, 3” and games to help them grasp the concepts of the stories. To help engage the kindergartners, they are given pictures of the story to color. There are also memory verses each week. If a child can say the memory verse, they receive a special prize.

Club leaders are required to take classes on how to teach the children, how the program works, and child evangelism.

Before coming to start a club in Peabody, Rohl led another club in El Dorado for five years. She continued that group for two years after moving to rural Peabody. Rohl decided to start a club in Peabody to be close to home.

“This is the first year we’ve had one in Peabody,” Rohl said. “We are grateful for the permission we’ve had to have the club in Peabody.”

Last modified Nov. 15, 2018