• Last modified 2309 days ago (Oct. 18, 2018)


Barkman Honey coordinating hurricane relief

Staff writer

With Barkman Honey’s main apiary in Blountstown, Florida, the devastation of Hurricane Michael hits home in Hillsboro.

Mindy Tharp, honey procurement coordinator for Barkman, said most of the company’s Florida employees have suffered damage to their homes or know people who have lost homes.

Barkman already sent one truckload of relief supplies to Florida, and another truck waits to be filled at the old AMPI building across from Casey’s in Hillsboro, at W. 3rd and Ash Sts.

Tharp said donations of money, gift cards, empty gas cans, tarps, bottled water, batteries, non-perishable ready-to-eat food, diapers, formula, baby wipes, hygiene products, and oscillating fans are suggested.

Checks can be made out to “Barkman Honey” and dropped off at the company or mailed to them at 120 Santa Fe St., Hillsboro, KS 67063.

People who give money will get a letter for tax purposes by the end of the year.

Once the supplies arrive at Barkman’s Florida location, items will be trucked to other parts of the county according to need, Tharp said.

“Our goal is to service all of Calhoun County,” she said. “Our goal is to help where it’s most needed, so the goods will be taken to specific destinations in the county.”

Last modified Oct. 18, 2018