• Last modified 2430 days ago (June 13, 2018)


Bait returns to lake

Staff writer

Bait and a limited supply of fishing tackle once again will be available at the county lake after county commissioners approved the purchase of a vending machine for outside the lake office.

Lake superintendent Isaac Hett talked to commissioners Monday about a bait vending machine formerly at The Lumberyard in Hillsboro.

The manufacturer has agreed to extend a one-year warranty on the vending machine, Hett said, and the machine can be purchased from the owner of the former lumber business for $2,750 including coils, packets for vending items, and the like.

“He gave me a packet with everything he has on this vending machine,” Hett said.

Bait for the machine used to come from McPherson, Hett said.

Commissioner Randy Dallke said he’d heard people express concern whether a machine was all they were going to get.

Former superintendent Steve Hudson, who resigned a year ago, privately operated a bait shop out of the lake office.

Commission chairman Dianne Novak said she thought the machine was a good deal.

“This is an awesome buy,” Novak said.

Commissioner Kent Becker’s motion to purchase the machine passed unanimously.

Commissioners also voted to waive a hefty fine imposed for driving trucks related to wind farm construction on undesignated roads as long as the trucks are empty and being driven by county residents to and from work on the wind farm

“It would be a hindrance to them in going back and forth to work to have to go to K-15,” Novak said.

Jon Halbgewachs of consultant company Kirkham Michael suggested the exemption for local workers be retroactive, since one already has been notified of a fine he has not yet paid.

Construction on a new county waste transfer station could begin as early as November or December, commissioners were told Monday.

Transfer station director Bud Druse reviewed preliminary plans for the station. Final plans are expected to be developed within three months, and the project let out for bids.

The first phase will be demolition of the current building, which at one time housed Marion’s power plant. Repairs to the tipping floor itself will be made afterward.

Commissioners in April approved the $1.44 million project.

In other business, commissioners:

  • Reviewed budget requests from Prairie View and Harvey-Marion County Community Developmental Disabilities Organization.
  • Heard an update on a water study at the county park and lake.

Last modified June 13, 2018