• Last modified 2196 days ago (Feb. 7, 2019)


Aulne ninth-grader wins photo contest

Staff writer

An Aulne ninth-grader’s photography talent has drawn statewide accolades.

Ellie Just’s photo, “Labor of Love — My Grandpa,” won first place in the Happy Birthday, Kansas! photo contest sponsored by the Kansas Historical Society.

The photo features wheat grains and heads in her grandfather’s hand.

Ellie and her grandparents, Rod and Shirley Suderman, went to the state capital Jan. 29 for the KHS award ceremony.

Ellie and 11 other first place winners — one for each grade — were given iPads and got to meet with legislators. Their photos will be on display in the Capital visitor center through Feb. 8 and can also be viewed on the KHS website.

The same photo earlier was selected for the 2019 Kansas 4-H calendar.

She submitted the photo for the KHS contest in October, Ellie said.

It was taken on the family farm in August 2018. Her grandparents have owned and operated the farm three miles southwest of Aulne over 50 years.

“We grow wheat corn, beans, hay, and cattle,” she said. “4-H and family encouraged me to do photography.”

The 15-year-old has done photography seven years. The contest-winner is her favorite.

The family’s trip to Topeka was brief.

“We had Grandpa along,” Ellie said.

Last modified Feb. 7, 2019