• Last modified 2472 days ago (May 2, 2018)


Arrest charges include assault against officer

A confrontation between law enforcement officers and a man being served a warrant Sunday in Florence ended with the suspect being shot with a stun gun and booked on suspicion of aggravated assault against law enforcement.

Eric Henderson, 49, Newton, faces additional charges for suspicion of aggravated domestic battery, aggravated assault, interference with law enforcement, and probation violation.

Sheriff Robert Craft did not respond to a call for information. Peabody police chief Bruce Burke said he assisted with a warrant service Sunday evening in Florence, and that the individual being served was Henderson.

According to radio transmissions, sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to a residence in the 100 block of 7th St. in Florence where Henderson was believed to be. Transmissions indicate officers deployed around the residence shortly after 8 p.m.

At 8:15 p.m., a voice was heard calling out, “We’re fighting,” and moments later a deputy radioed, “Taser deployment.” At that point, dispatchers requested a Hillsboro officer to respond to the scene to assist.

Henderson may have been involved in a chase with Harvey County deputies earlier.

“Did Harvey County confirm the 10-32?” a deputy asked dispatchers, using the code for vehicle pursuits.

Florence and Marion ambulances also responded. Marion took one individual, presumably Henderson, to St. Luke Hospital.

Henderson was booked into jail at 10:07 p.m. Sunday, and remained there Tuesday with bond set at $50,000.

Henderson has a lengthy history in Marion County District Court spanning from 2001 to 2007.

He has been charged with domestic battery, driving under the influence, driving while suspended, fleeing law enforcement, no liability insurance, failing to stop, second time domestic battery, criminal threat, criminal damage to property, disorderly conduct, and violation of a protective order.

He has repeatedly been sentenced to probation and had probation revoked. In one case, he was sentenced to 30 days in jail.

Protection from abuse petitions against Henderson were filed in 2005 and 2006.

Last modified May 2, 2018